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Imbibe Innovation with Technology

Unlock the future’s code, learn AI, robotics, and computer vision. Master the realms of tech with our expert-guided learning ode.

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Explore the fascinating world of perception, robotics, aerial navigation, and artificial intelligence at our astonishing 2500 sq. ft. workspace.

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What are We?

Welcome to Shaikshya Kala!

We offer a unique approach to education and learning that focuses on Computer Vision, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. Our programs are designed for anyone between the ages of 10 and 80 & above who want an inroad into the field of industry, research and academia.

At Shaikshya Kala, we believe that everyone should have access to quality education, regardless of their background in science or math. That’s why we provide comprehensive training, resources, and expertise to help individuals achieve a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of these exciting subjects.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to reinforce existing knowledge, our team of experienced educators is here to guide you every step of the way.

Who All Can Learn

At Shaikshya Kala, we offer a range of expertly curated courses designed to help anyone develop their knowledge and skills in the fields of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. Our courses are suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds, from school students (aged 10-18) to college students (aged 19-49) and adults (aged 50 and above).


We provide an innovative outlet for learners to express their freedom in their vision and imagination through the avenue of Computer Vision, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. We also have the conviction to learn through collaboration, cooperation and creativity.

Age 8-18

Age 10 to 18

Age 18-49 icon

Age 19 to 49

Age 50-80 icon

Age 50 to 80

Age 10 to 18

Age 10 to 18

Age 19 to 49 V1

Age 19 to 49

Age 50 to 80 V2

Age 50 to 80

Our Courses

We offer comprehensive 16-week programs that cover everything from the fundamentals of science to the cutting-edge innovations that are shaping the industry. Our courses are designed to enable each individual to meet their own learning objectives, with a range of depth options to choose from.


Whether you’re looking to start a new career, expand your knowledge, or simply explore your interests, Shaikshya Kala has a program that’s right for you.




See What Our Students Say


Rahul Sharma

This course has transformed my perspective on technology. Under the guidance of skilled instructors, I learned to build and program robots. Today, I am proud to be a Robotics Engineer, thanks to this incredible class!"


Sneha Gupta

Joining the Robotics class at PQR University was a game-changer for me. The curriculum was comprehensive, and the hands-on projects allowed me to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.


Rajesh Singh

The Robotics class at Shaikshya Kala provided me with a unique opportunity to explore a new field. The practical exercises and exposure to cutting-edge technologies broadened my horizons. I now possess a valuable skill set that sets me apart in the industry.


Literally translated, Shaikshya Kala means ‘the art of learning’. Our goal is to emphasize learning and the instrument of the way we teach how to learn is through computer vision and robotics. We believe everyone’s approach to learning is different, and hence, we enable, encourage and induct the art of ‘learning how to learn’ and find the optimal route for our students to excel in their endeavors.

Yes, we do! We believe new insights and splashes of creative energy can be evoked into the technical sciences if we integrate creative mediums. We use coloring, painting and digital design in our courses to bring out a new frontier in the students’ education by showing that this is essentially how breakthroughs in any field can happen.

Office hours are extra sessions for students, when they can stop by the lab, ask for advice, try out an idea, and get the guidance they need. It’s nothing new, but it might become the most productive time of the week.

According to The Learning Center at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, you can 

  • Clarify and ask questions about course content.
  • Get study ideas.
  • Ask questions about the syllabus, upcoming assignments and due dates.
  • Prepare for an upcoming assignment.
  • Review past assignments and papers.
  • Talk about grades.
  • Work through practice problems.

Students are graded based on the various international Content Standards and Rubrics designed based on these standards.

We believe that although there is a place for exams in the assessment of student learning, there are more cons than pros to assessing the expertise of knowledge in a subject, where exams are a source of stress and anxiety, are limited in scope and may not be inclusive of all students. We have instead used periodic assignments, mini projects, project demonstrations and discussions to determine the level of understanding students have over the courses as this is also mirrored in real life scenarios in companies and research where the amount of formulae you have memorized is less useful than how to apply said knowledge.

You can reach out to us at or visit us at the PRANITI lab in Bangalore and we can guide you towards your decision with our expert help.

Yes, we have open house every two weeks, where students, parents and anyone interested can join a two hour demo-class session so that you can find out how the course is taught, what goes on in the making of a project, and look at demonstrations of the multiple different projects, and even get a chance to bring home some souvenirs as a fun activity!

We instill this knowledge of safety and precautions to our students as well as a part of our courses. Safety is of the utmost importance to us at Shaikshya Kala, and we make sure everything is up to code and standards.

No, but you can visit the PRANITI Lab anytime to work on the robots and the projects. The project kits are state of the art equipment and must be used under supervision.

We do not. We believe you can experience the best of robotics, computer vision and artificial intelligence when you are physically fiddling with the robots, the sensors and the drones, and find out their strengths and vulnerabilities.

We have designed our courses keeping in mind workforce readiness, collaboration and standardization, so our students are able to transfer their knowledge into any field they wish to venture into. We also guide the students towards potential paths, specializations and niches in either the industry, academia or research, but we do not directly help students get placements.

The guest workshop schedule is shown in detail here and the guest teachers are people from various backgrounds and experience to their name to provide an intuition and a different outlook towards education and bring out variety in the forms of learning

Yes, we do have scholarship programs that we offer to two kinds of candidates, learners who have already excelled in their previous undertakings (school, college, work, or in life) or learners who have the potential and the passion to excel. We have various criteria to determine this, including a written statement of purpose and then an interview after which we provide partial or full scholarships to our programs. Contact us and mention in the subject that you are looking for scholarships to initiate this process.

The beginner course is designed in such a way that no prior knowledge in math, science or programming/coding is required and we help build the foundations for the mentioned requisites as we go along the course. The prerequisites for the other progressing courses are detailed on each specific course page on our website.

Yes, we do have options for learners to defer their admissions or take a break from the course due to various valid personal or professional reasons for a maximum of up to one year, after which you can choose to continue the course from where you left off or start again, where, the student will provide written confirmation and deposit to secure their spot in the program for the subsequent term.

The best age to learn is now! Regardless of what stage of life you are in, there are no limits to learning about things you are curious about other than the ones you put on yourself, which is why you’re neither late nor need ‘talent’ as they say, to learn about STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). The fact that you have asked this question is a testament to your inquisitiveness, and you are already on the path of learning.

Students interested in a coursework-only program can complete the course in as little as two and a half years of full-time study in either of the three specializations; Robotics, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence. Students who wish to bring their knowledge up to the Masters’ level of international education may take up to four years to complete by doing research and more in-depth projects.

Each classroom session is for a duration of two hours for weekday batches, and three hours (excluding half hour break time) for weekend batches, for a total of six hours per week, in the case of a full working week.

These fields require a very robust background (or, alternatively, a person with just about any background can work in these fields). There are elements of computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, cognitive science, and lots of mathematics involved. This is carried out with the help of the engineering design process; which is, identify the need, research the problem, brainstorm possible solutions, outline the plan for the solution, mock-up a potential solution, test and refine the solution.

Yes, there are a lot of national and international competitions, for example, the FIRST Robotics competition, RoboMaster, Kaggle always has challenges up in the fields of computer vision and machine learning, NASA outlines a list of competitions for students to take part in. You can also suggest your favorite competition that you’re interested in if you want to take part in it and we can help you with that.

That’s a great thought! We do have temporary, part-time mentor opportunities for students who are inspired by the way we learn and the way we teach ‘how to learn’ for future batches, and we provide training workshops so that you are fully equipped to mentor other students like you and spread the joy of learning! Contact us at to apply and mention the phrase ‘Mentorship Program’ in your subject line.

There are multiple benefits to taking a deep dive into a new career path later in life, whether it is helping keep your mind sharp, building creativity or offering yourself a challenge and variety. Robotics, computer vision and AI are not just the buzz words for this season that people need to flock towards, but it is the present and future of technological evolution that we need to be aware of at the least and if it suits you, take part in. Since you already have experience in the field of work, you understand where your passions lie. Also, just proving to yourself that you can learn new skills is really empowering!

There are many approaches, but it’s important to find out what works best for you. If you’re worried or intimidated by your age and how you feel betrayed by your inexperience in a new field, start simple. Work on the basics and foundations, find resources for customized learning objectives. The most important step is to get into practice, seek help when needed, and finally, persevere. Learning any new subject takes time and effort, and it is definitely worth it.

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